Skit Nights | Rocca Roveresca Senigallia
MiC - Ministero della Cultura

Festa della Musica 2022

In the courtyard of the Rocca Roveresca in Senigallia during the Festa della Musica on June 21, 2022 we will host the Laurens Trio. The Trio offers music from the jazz tradition, funk/blues songs by Thelonious Monk, Wayne Shorter, John Scofield, Miles Davis and Herbie...


The event tells of the arrival in Senigallia in 1479 of its Dukes Giovanni Della Rovere and Giovanna da Montefeltro after getting married in Rome the previous year; in fact Francesco Della Rovere, Pope Sixtus IV, entrusted the city of Senigallia to the administration...