Room Rentals | Rocca Roveresca Senigallia
MiC - Ministero della Cultura

for photo shoots

for film recording

for room rentals

Photo & video shoots

For personal, educational and non-profit promotion of cultural heritage, it is possible to take pictures of artworks and cultural heritage exhibited at state museums without the use of flashes, lights, selfie sticks, tripods and other supports.
For the same purposes, reproduction of pictures and/or the publication of images is granted free of charge, except for the reimbursement of any material costs incurred by the Museum Complex or the Museum for the reproduction.
For other uses, including commercial ones, it is necessary to request authorization and to verify payment of a fee or consideration established according to the price list issued by the Museum Complex or the Museum to allow taking pictures or videos and for the reproduction of pictures and/or publication of images of the state cultural heritage.
Reference regulations:

Exhibitions and conferences

The license to use State Assets entrusted to the Ministry of Culture is governed by the Code of Cultural Heritage and Landscape. The use of the assets, after assessing the type of event to be carried out, may be subjected to a fee; instead, an insurance policy and a bank surety policy are always required to guarantee protection of the assets.
If the room rental involves – whenever carried out outside standard business hours or due to special requirements of the event – the participation of museum staff, it is necessary to provide a bank surety policy to guarantee the payment of fees to the staff who will work on behalf of third parties, in accordance with the national collective bargaining agreements in place.
The request must be submitted to the Management of the Museum Complex, which is the agency responsible for issuing the authorization.
In-depth information: